Take A Chance on Cozy to Support Children!

It’s National Mentoring Month! A wonderful time to support children and their mentors.

Tremendously talented Claremont coordinator Toni Williams has donated a gorgeous quilt in support of Everybody Wins! Thank you, Toni!

Raffle tickets are $5 each or 5 for $20, and are available only online at this link: https://bit.ly/QuiltRaffle25.

50% of raffle ticket sales will support Claremont Everybody Wins!, and 50% will support the organization statewide.

The quilt measures approximately 70″ by 70″ — a great throw blanket or to hang over the sides of a twin bed. The quilt composition of rich jewel tones is complimented by a backing in a gorgeous deep forest green pattern, with an intricate quilting pattern throughout!

More information and YOUR chance to win this beautiful quilt at this link: https://bit.ly/QuiltRaffle25

Or scan this QR code to be taken to the raffle site:Thank you for taking a chance on children! Good luck, everyone!