All posts by Beth Wallace

In Memoriam: Paul Rosenberg


“Paul was one of the best humans I have had the pleasure to know.” —Sue Cook, former Everybody Wins! board member

All of us at Everybody Wins! Vermont are heartbroken by the death of mentor, former Board President, and friend Paul Rosenberg from cancer on July 10th. Our hearts go out to his family, who we know miss him even more than we do.

Paul was a committed mentor who read with three different children at Shelburne Community School in the past five years. Paul was so committed to children that when one of his mentees moved to another community on the other side of Burlington, Paul drove to the new school every week to continue reading with him. Even during this last year of chemotherapy in Boston, Paul continued to read with his mentee whenever he was able.

One of my favorite stories about Paul describes his first meeting with a new mentee. The second grader was so shy that when he was introduced to Paul, he turned away and put his face against the wall. With some persuasion, he walked silently down the hall next to Paul to get his lunch. Paul tried one conversational gambit after another without any response. Finally, he said, “I have a dog named Hops. Do you have a dog?” The child’s head came up, he looked Paul in the eye for the first time, and said all in one breath, “I-have-a-dog-his-name-is-Rocky!” They were off.

Paul changed children’s lives with his commitment, his humor, and above all, his kindness.

Paul also changed Everybody Wins! Vermont. He joined the board in his first year of mentoring. He enthusiastically took part in the annual Race to the Top in order to help the organization achieve financial stability. The coordinator of Everybody Wins! at Edmunds School in Burlington, Wanda Stetson, remembers, “”He was a giant of a man—kind, compassionate, and a devoted supporter of mentoring children.  My daughter and I hiked a stretch of the Toll Road Race to the Top with Paul in 2017.  He was so encouraging and his sense of humor kept us going.”

Paul took on the president’s role with typical verve and intelligence. You could find Paul talking with funders, dishing up ice cream at a parent event, calling board members to check in and offer support, or working his way around the room at a staff meeting.  He tackled organizational challenges with patience, thoughtfulness, and integrity.

Paul was famous for bringing his dog Hops to our Montpelier office for meetings. We’ll never forget the day that Hops followed one of the Consolidated technicians out of the building while Paul was engaged in discussion. The meeting broke up abruptly as we all searched the building and then ran outside calling for Hops. After a few frantic minutes, Hops was discovered  peacefully sniffing around the Lighthouse Christian Church down the block.

Paul showed up for children and for the organization with enthusiasm and determination, and we are stronger because of his thoughtful stewardship. Former board member Joe Doud spoke for us all when he said, “Paul had an infectious attitude, and anything he was part of was instantly made better because of his presence in the room.”

We were lucky to have Paul on our side, and he is deeply missed.

All the Books That You Can Handle

4th Annual Consolidated Communications
South Burlington Read-A-Thon!
Sunday, February 23, 1  to 3:30 pm
South Burlington Public Library
University Mall, Dorset Street


Piles of books to read. Passports to stamp & gold coins to collect. Fabulous prizes! Cookies to enjoy with a glass of milk. The sweet tunes of Jon Gailmor, and a free book for every child. What else could you do on the Sunday of school vacation that has so much fun wrapped up in it?


Don’t miss the 4th Annual Consolidated Communications South Burlington Read-A-Thon! This beloved FREE family event is sponsored by Consolidated Communications and hosted by the South Burlington Public Library. Come as you are; no sign-up is necessary. Plan to be there for the whole event so you can pile up gold coins and chances for a prize! Every child chooses a free book to take home.

1-2:30 pm: Read as many books as you can, collect passport stamps & gold coins!

2:15: Snack

2:30: Jon Gailmor sings

3:00: Prizes!

3:15 Choose a free book to take home

Questions? Call 846-4140, or email We can’t wait to see you at the Read-A-Thon!

It takes a community to make the Read-A-Thon happen. Thanks to our sponsors, Consolidated Communications. Thanks to the South Burlington Public Library, for all the books and the beautiful cozy space to read in. Thanks to Jon Gailmor for the songs we love to sing along with. And thanks to you, for making it a party!



All the Reading You Can Handle

15th Annual National Life Read-A-Thon
Saturday January 25, 1-3:30 pm
National Life cafeteria, Montpelier

Piles of books to read. Passports to stamp & gold coins to collect. Fabulous prizes from Bear Pond Books. Cookies from the Post Office Cafe to enjoy with a glass of milk. The sweet tunes of Jon Gailmor, and a free book for every child. What else could you do on a Saturday that has so much fun wrapped up in it?



Don’t miss the 15th Annual National Life Read-A-Thon! This beloved FREE family event is sponsored by National Life Group and held in their spacious, beautiful cafeteria. Come as you are; no sign-up is necessary. Read all the books you can and enter to win prizes! Every child chooses a free book to take home.

Questions? Call 229-2665, or email We can’t wait to see you at the Read-a-Thon!

It takes a community to make the Read-a-Thon happen. Thanks to our sponsors, National Life Group Foundation—this event would not exist without them. Thanks to our partners, Bear Pond Books and Post Office Cafe, for making everything sweeter and more fun. Thanks to Jon Gailmor for the songs we love to sing along with. And thanks to you, for making it a party!



Round Up in September at Hunger Mountain Co-op

Round Up for Children at Hunger Mountain Co-op in September Everybody Wins! Vermont is honored to be Hunger Mountain Co-op’s community partner in September. Visit our table in the co-op in the last two weeks of the month. Sign up for a workshop about children’s books and justice on Tuesday October 1 from 6 to 7:30 pm at the co-op. And don’t forget to round up your grocery purchase at the co-op this month to support children and reading in 5 communities (Barre, Montpelier, Northfield, Waitsfield, and Waterbury) in central Vermont.

Racing to the Top of Vermont for Children

Mentor and child in St. Johnsbury, 2019

“She’s kind. We get to read lots of books and talk about them. I get to talk with someone and spend time with them during the day.” —Waterbury child, 2019

“He learns a lot of different things he didn’t know before. He reads a lot better and slower. He is very positive about his future.” —Barre parent, 2019

These quotes from our annual survey in May 2019 says it all: children love having Everybody Wins! reading mentors, and parents and teachers see what a difference that one hour a week makes in the life of a child.

Everybody Wins! Vermont is entering our 20th year.  In 2018-19, over 600 children read each week with Everybody Wins! mentors.

As we have every August for 12 years, a team of supporters is preparing to climb  Vermont’s highest mountain, Mt. Mansfield, on August 25th.

Everybody Wins! supporters Laura, Amy, and Beth at the start of the Race in 2018

We take part in the Catamount Trail Association’s Race to the Top of Vermont in order to  keep children around Vermont reading with mentors every year. The Toll Road winds for 4.3 miles up the mountain, gaining 2564 feet of altitude in the process. It’s not an easy hike—but as the Race’s sponsor CTA says, “Isn’t that the point?”

The money we raise in the Race to the Top helps us start off strong each year. Last year, we added two new sites. This year, we are creating infrastructure and systems so we can expand again in 2020, and keep finding mentors for children for another 20 years.

It’s a great feeling to get to the Mt. Mansfield summit on a summer’s day. It’s even better knowing that you’ve helped make things better for kids and supported communities around the state. Won’t you help us keep them reading?

Click here to support the Everybody Wins! team in the Race to the Top 2019.

Next year, sign up, and come along for the hike!

Todd and Paul at the top of the mountain, 2017.

South Burlington, how many books can you read?

Everyone will find something new and fun to read aloud at the 3rd Annual So Burlington Community Read-A-Thon on Sunday April 28th from 1 to 3:30 pm! This  FREE family event is sponsored by Consolidated Communications Inc.



Will it snow? We don’t know! But we do know that there will be lots of books for everyone at the Read-A-Thon. Join us at the South Burlington Public Library in the University Mall on Dorset Street.

Read aloud as many books as you can, fill your passport with stamps, collect gold coins for a chance at fabulous prizes, and devour cookies and milk while you sing along with Jon Gailmor. Come as you are—no need to RSVP. Children of all ages are welcome with an adult.

Thanks to our supporting partners Consolidated Communications Inc for making this FREE family event possible!

Read Books and Win Prizes: Read-A-Thon 2019

Everyone will find something new and fun to read aloud at the 14th Annual National Life Read-A-Thon on Saturday January 26th from 1 to 3:30 pm!

Will it snow? We don’t know! But we do know that there will be lots of books for everyone at the Read-A-Thon. Join us at the National Life cafeteria, 1 National Life Drive in Montpelier.

Read aloud as many books as you can, fill your passport with stamps, collect gold coins for a chance at fabulous prizes from Bear Pond Books, and devour Post Office Cafe cookies and milk while you sing along with Jon Gailmor.

Every child picks a free, brand-new book to take home!

Children of all ages are welcome with an adult! Come as you are on the spur of the moment; no sign-up is necessary.

The Read-A-Thon is a free community event generously supported by National Life Group.

Questions? Email or call 802-229-2665.

Climb to the Top of Vermont on August 26th

For the 11th year, Everybody Wins! Vermont will join the Catamount Trail Association‘s Race to the Top of Vermont on Sunday August 26, to support reading mentors at 23 schools around the state. Join our team and keep children reading!

The 2017 Everybody Wins! team raised over $31,000, including a generous match from the Jack and Dorothy Byrne Foundation.

The Race to the Top is one of our favorite days of the year! It’s a great day to climb Vermont’s highest mountain and the atmosphere is always festive. Just take a look at these faces from last year’s finish line:

Edmunds Elementary coordinator Wanda Stetson’s family at the top.
Board member Jeff Austin and his FairPoint colleague Kim Atkinson.







There are three ways to support Everybody Wins! Vermont at the 2018 Race to the Top:

  • Hike, run, or bike up the Mount Mansfield Toll Road (4.3 miles and 2564 feet of ascent).
  • Help us staff the water break halfway to the top (no hiking or running involved!).
  • Children can join the Kids’ Fun Run at noon at the bottom of the mountain.

Use Everybody Wins! special code for a discounted registration fee of $30. The fee includes the race, a tech t-shirt, a raffle ticket (for fabulous prizes), and a ticket to the BBQ afterwards. (Water stop volunteers don’t have to register for the race, but do pay for the BBQ).

We will bring support cars to the summit so our team can ride down if your knees are complaining.

Former Board president Beth Fastiggi and Deb Shearer.

Everybody Wins! team members agree to raise pledges for Everybody Wins! Vermont from July 30 to the Race day. We have a dedicated Race fundraising page and we will help our team set up individual fundraising pages, and publicize the race and the fundraisers. You can see last year’s Race page by clicking here. Scroll down to see the individual fundraising pages of last year’s team.

You can dedicate your fundraising to a specific Everybody Wins! site, or raise money for our general fund, which benefits all the sites. Either one makes a big difference!

Board president Paul Rosenberg at the top

In 2016 we raised $8,382. In 2017 we raised $31,547. The Race to the Top is on a roll, and with your help, we can make it even more successful in 2018. Every penny goes to keep children reading with their mentors all school year long.

Come Race with us!  For more information, contact Beth at or 802-229-2665.



July 1 Lake Monsters tickets benefit Everybody Wins! Vermont

Champ at the Montpelier Read-A-Thon giving a high five to some young fans.

The Vermont Lake Monsters’ Champ loves to read, and we love to watch the Lake Monsters play at Centennial Field!

We’re going to the Vermont Lake Monsters on Sunday July 1, and we hope you’ll come too! Game time is 5:05 pm, and gates open at 4 pm. Look for our display near the gates and come say hi!

Click here to buy tickets through our special link, and $3 of each ticket price will benefit Everybody Wins! Vermont. Play ball!

May 3, 6 pm: Shelburne Vineyard First Thursday free concert

Join us for a free First Thursday concert with Steve Hartmann at the Shelburne Vineyard: Thursday  May 3rd, 6–9 pm.

This family-friendly concert is free. Dinner will be available from Luiza’s Homemade. First Thursday concerts are a great time to sample the latest vintages from Shelburne Vineyard and maybe take a bottle or two home.

Sales benefit Everybody Wins! in Shelburne. More information is available here. Come on out and celebrate spring with us!